read a story

美 [riːd ə ˈstɔːri]英 [riːd ə ˈstɔːri]
  • 读故事;读新闻
read a storyread a story
  1. I try to make time to read a story to my children .


  2. To teach is to hear a child read a story


  3. Without particular interest and just to pass the time , I read a story


  4. We read a story about some Indian chiefs .


  5. In my first literature class , Mrs. Smith asked us to read a story and then write on it , all within 45 minutes .


  6. But is that a good way to read a story ?


  7. Last week I read a story and a play .


  8. Last time I read a story about the MacDonald 's.


  9. Students learnt a new way to read a story , called SWISH .


  10. Did you read a story called'Litvinov ' ?


  11. He read a story book yesterday evening .


  12. I read a story recently .


  13. First let 's read a story , then can you tell me what is the most important thing in your life ?


  14. Most people have read a story about tennis star Maria Sharapova in their time .


  15. At this very moment I happened to read a story How to keep calm in the war .


  16. I actually read a story in the newspaper the other day about a doctor who did just that .


  17. I once read a story about a person who talked to animals . It was very interesting .


  18. Last week , I read a story and a play , the story is about the second world war , and the play about the life of University students .


  19. Then , by coincidence , Takako read a story about a Chinese flower and a Japanese soldier in Nanjing .


  20. They may not be able to fill out a job application , decipher a bus timetable or read a story aloud to their children .


  21. In one , the children were read a story about someone who is " really , really smart " but it is not clear who the story is about .


  22. If I read a story I like , I can tear it out and save it , and not have to pay to read it 30 days later .


  23. How often I wish I could read a story leisurely and patiently , word by word as I did when I was eight years old or even younger .


  24. In another experiment , participants were asked to read a story about cheating or not cheating on an exam , from either a first-person or third-person perspective .


  25. Got into the Christmas spirit Monday , stopping by a children 's club to read a story and deliver some cookies , with the US capital cloaked in a deep snow .


  26. Yael : Basically , according to the study , when you read a story that engages you , your brain creates detailed and vivid simulations of the details in the story .


  27. Whether you read a story to your child 's class or volunteer as a reading tutor in an after school program , both you and the students will be enriched by the experience of teaching one another .


  28. Gutman 's interest in the early manufacturing of beer started after he read a story in a local newspaper about Assaf Distefeld , a Tel Aviv University professor and a leading expert in wild wheat genome research .


  29. It is the feeling you get when you read a story in the paper , or see a comical character in the street , or overhear a conversation , and know that there is only one person you have to call and tell .


  30. The Oscar-winning actress , 36 , said she read a story about the ' really cool ' way William and Kate speak to their children by crouching down to their eye level , and started doing it with her two-year-old Jonathan .
